
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A life of Blessings -Amy Horikami

       It often hits me how blessed I am to be where I am at and all the things I have.  Mind you, I just finished college and my husband still has almost 2 years to go. We are by no means in a house of our own or have the fanciest car or furnishings. Yet; I have everything I need and so much more, my house is fully furnished, I have food in my refrigerator, clothes on my back and I married the most wonderful, kind, patient man who is a gentle giant (He’s 6ft. 7in.). He works so hard for our family going to school full time and works full time to provide for us. I have a beautiful little girl and a second on the way. I give all these blessings to the Lord…and here’s a little bit of my story on how that reliance has made me who I am.
       Throughout my life I have learned to rely on the Lord for all that I need. I have also learned the value of hard work and becoming self sufficient. Both things that the Lord has asked us to do.  But it all started when I was young and my wonderful parents who made sure I knew. My mom is a true woman of faith and taught me the reliance on the Lord. If I ever needed anything she would tell me to pray to our Heavenly Father and he would provide it in a means I can afford and then to actively seek what I needed. We never grew up rich but we had all we needed and I knew it was because of my mom faith and my dad’s hard work.  But relying on the Lord that didn’t mean sitting down and waiting for it to pop into my hands…it meant getting to work; this is one thing my Dad taught me and he is such a good example of that. He has always provided for our family no matter the situation.  
        With this philosophy: I’ve worked since I was 15 as a lifeguard and found opportunities to increase my knowledge and eventually became a water aerobics instructor. That’s when I’ve learned the value of money. I don’t remember what I bought with that first paycheck, but man was I excited! Later my mom encouraged me to buy some food storage with my money. She told me that you can’t eat furniture and it’s good to start now. I didn’t think too much of it till college….I bet I was the only one who had food storage in College!  It was confirmed by every roommate I had too! But I learned quickly what a blessing it was. I made some yummy food and shared with roommates and always had enough. That 25 lb. bag of flour for $8 made more homemade pizza, cinnamon rolls and other stuff than I can count. I was also grateful I knew how to cook and a mother who taught me the basics of cooking, sewing, gardening, and family members who blessed me to get by. 
       It soon became a pattern in my life. I learned to live within my means. I had to distinguish my needs between my wants. Use what I had, be frugal and rely on the Lord. 
      I also wanted to learn. If I didn't know how to do something I would either ask my mom or look for resources to teach me. I wanted to be a self motivator. 
      Just a recent example happened in my life. I’ve wanted a nice dresser for my room since we are adding a new member to our family soon and need a little bit more closet space. I knew my budget and had a prayer in my heart. So I started to look on Garage Sale websites and at Deseret Industries because I knew that was in my price range.  A lot of them were way above my price range in the $100’s and the ones that I could afford were falling apart. I didn’t mind painting or redoing something but I wanted the drawers to work.  So I kept looking. Now, I wasn’t stressing but just when I was out and about I would look at dressers and just see what was there. About a month later I had a feeling to look on one of the Garage Sale websites to see if anything new popped up since I haven’t been there in a while. I scrolled down a little and there was a $15 dresser that was beautiful! No one had commented yet and so I quickly did and asked if I could get it. Then all of a sudden a whole list of people started commenting to be “in line” in case it didn’t work out. My family helped me get the dresser and now it’s in my room as one of my blessings from the Lord.
Now, some people may say “That was just good timing,” or “ It was just a coincidence.” I tell you NO! I feel the Lord prompts us even in small nudges to “check” something or go somewhere or call someone for a reason! The spirit prompted me at the right time and moment to check the website. It was a blessing I followed because if I didn’t, I know I wouldn’t have gotten that dresser.

           It’s not about the dresser though. To me it’s all about relying on the Lord and getting to work and then relying on his timing. I told my mom the story and how I have been searching for a long time and her reply was, “the Lord has to work through people and sometime people are slow!” I got a laugh out of that one. But it’s true, sometimes our blessings are through others and the Lord knows that. He also knows who to prompt and he knows when and where it’s going to happen. I didn’t need the dresser right then and there but maybe the Lord put the thought in my mind early so that when the opportunity came I was ready. We just need to have that faith that everything will come through no matter the situation. Now some blessings I have received are immediate or just when I needed them. Some aren’t even part of what I thought I wanted. Some things I wanted didn’t even come at all only to find out that I either didn’t need it or something better opened up.  We just need to rely on him and continually seek and search for what we need.  Along with that is living a righteous life so those blessings do come. When I am living the commandments and doing all I can to be close to the Lord such as paying my tithing, daily prayer, scripture study and church attendance, making my house a home, I can see the blessings more in my life than when I don’t obey.

     Just like the story of the dresser. There has been so many blessings in my life just like that. All the way from marrying my husband to having income come in right when we needed it. 

I've also realized that after all I can do....I just need to hand it over to the Lord!

But there is a pattern I’ve seen that helps me.

First, we as a family pay tithing. When the Lord says the windows of heaven will open and pour you out a blessing that there will be not enough room to receive it; he means it! I’ve been blessed and I know it’s because of this principle.
·         Second, I live within my means and budget. I don’t spend more than I have and stay out of debt. My husband works hard for our money so I try to respect that. I shop sales, I make sure I have enough food for my family and extra (food storage), and I ask him and we discuss big purchases.  
“51 Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy….”
·         Become Self Sufficient  . I’ve learned I can’t rely on others to get the job done; the only one I can rely on is the Lord and me. He can’t help me if I don’t do anything. To me this includes; spiritual, money, food storage, family, home. Yes, the lord works through others but I’m not waiting around for things to happen. Because by the time it happens I may have missed the opportunity.
The Lord blesses me as I’m doing the work and striving personally. He even said so in “26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

Elder Holland Releases New Book, 'To My Friends'

·         Serve Others. The Lord works through others and that “other” is ME! I try to find opportunities I can to help those in need. When promptings come I try my hardest to follow. I know the Lord has sent many people in my life just when I needed them.

·         Live the Gospel. There is no better way to live. The principles that Heavenly Father has set for us to live only brings happiness and true freedom into our lives.  I find we only fool ourselves when we go against its teachings. While immediate happiness is so short the Gospel brings an eternal joy that cannot be taken away.

·         Thank the LORD! For EVERYTHING!!!  I always say, “It’s such a blessing!” and it is! The Lord has given me everything and I notice it daily, or try too. Thank him in your prayers and for everything in life. He can move mountains as long as we have faith.
·        Remember:  YOU ARE BLESSED!!!!!!! Everyone is blessed differently because we all have different situations. But I realize if I look at my life and what's around me I am blessed as well. The key is to Rejoice in others blessings.

Last, but most Important: Rely on the LORD's TIMING! This is the hardest and most faith trying, but it works.
Jeffrey R. Holland--I love how he always tells it like it is, but in an encouraging way--I need that :)

Quote from a wonderful talk on depression and mental health issues from Jeffrey R Holland

Now, by no means am I perfect! Hahaha…I sure have my days and doubts and trials; my husband could probably tell you. The Lord sure blessed me with a kind patient man to help me be better. But I just want you to know that when you rely on the Lord, anything, I mean anything.……is possible.