My humbling experience of joining
the Air Force: Something I NEVER wanted to do.
I grew up with my Dad in the Army
and I vowed I would never, ever, EVER be in the military again. I grew up
moving and I thought I have done my share. I never wanted my husband to go on
deployment, potentially to a dangerous area and pretty much be a single parent.
I didn’t want the constant life of change with packing and unpacking boxes, reestablishing
myself everywhere we moved. My children to change schools and either be behind
or ahead depending on the curriculum. I was set…the military would never be in
my life again…EVER!
In my early teens my Dad had a job
in Idaho between the military I fell in Love with the “Potato State.” I knew this is
where I wanted to live the rest of my life. I also met my husband in High
School where we where just friends at the time. Well, I moved my senior year,
but luckily College and attending Brigham Young University Idaho (BYUI) brought
me back to the Gem State and I couldn’t have been happier. My husband after
serving a two year mission for our church came to BYUI where we dated and got
married. I remember though that before
we got married I told him that military was NOT an option. Don’t even ask or mention it because I was not
going to be moving the rest of my life. I knew that he wanted to join the Air
Force before his mission and fly planes but he was too tall at 6ft. 7in and the
cut off was 6ft. 4in. (So I wasn’t too worried.) His family was also from Idaho
and moved over from Boise area so I knew my plan was set in stone and nothing
was going to change it. Well…
After we graduated there were jobs
available in Idaho for my husband’s degree with Idaho’s department of Fish and
Game; so we applied to several job openings. He did an internship with them so
I was sure that it would help with getting the job. It was going perfectly and we
would get to raise our family in a small town, with lots of space for room to grow.
Then an interview came. Lots of prayers, searching for housing and the adulting
began. Then we got an email.
It said thank you for your interest
but we will not be continuing with the second interview. We were heartbroken since
that seemed to be the trend for the next couple weeks. We looked at other jobs that
either wanted a Master’s in the same field or at least 5 years experience. We
talked, prayed it over and decided to go to Graduate School. That is where my
humbling journey began.
I had a friend in my church who I
had a feeling to check up on since I knew her husband was gone on Weekends
sometimes. I found out her husband was in the Army Reserves and that Sunday I
asked her about it. I asked how she liked it and if they were here on the GI
Bill getting an education. We talked about benefits, etc. I JOKINGLY turned to
my husband and said, “Hey, maybe we should use the Air Force to pay for our
education.” (Because I heard the Air Force is the more family friendly out of
all the branches of military). But I wasn’t serious AT ALL. He responded, “We’ll
see.” I then got up and went back to sit with my family and as I sat down a
feeling and the spirit came over me and I thought maybe that could actually be
a good plan. I turned to my husband and said, “Hey, maybe we should use the Air
Force for Graduate School.” I thought about it the rest of church and kept
mentioning it to my husband since the feeling wouldn’t leave me. We looked into
it when we got home. As we were looking he told me that he was actually
thinking about the Air Force for a while now. I was confused since he never
mentioned anything and I asked, “Why didn’t you say something?” He told me it
was because he knew I didn’t want to be in the military. That was a heart
stopping moment and I realized later the Lord had to work through me in having
the “jokingly idea” of joining the Air Force. I also felt really bad since I
was stopping him from doing something he wanted.
The Lord knew this. He ALSO knew that I would
need A LOT of reassurance and help in this process of accepting the military
life. He gave me sisters in the ward who were in the military to ask about their
experience. Both being positive.
He also prepared my husband. Right
after he graduated, he got a strong desire to get healthy and lose weight. He
lost almost 60lbs. and once we started to apply and get ready for MEPS he was
only 10lbs. short of the weight requirement and easily got it off within a
couple weeks.
The Process was long and I was still
uneasy. I started to second guess and pray if it was the right thing to do. My
hopes and dreams of being in Idaho where getting crushed. Maybe it wasn’t what
we were supposed to be doing but while my mom was visiting that prayer was
answered. We were driving back from Idaho Falls and me and my mom were having a
great conversation then out of nowhere my mom stops talking and turns on the radio.
It was on the BYUI station and the speaker said, “Many of us might think,
during these times of increasing evil, that we should take our families and
hide out in some small town in Idaho, surrounded by other Mormons. But
remember, the world needs us.” (4 Mar 2014 – Devotionals, Of
Salt, Light, and Leave, Brother Drew Eagar, Instructor, Business
Management Department http://www.byui.edu/devotionals/drew-eagar
It spoke directly to my soul. That’s
EXACTLY what I wanted to do…hide out in my small town in Idaho. The talk
continued and he said “M. Russell Ballard gave us this great guidance regarding
the topic:
In spite of all the wickedness in
the world, and in spite of all the opposition to good that we find on every hand, we should not try to take
ourselves or our children out of the world. Jesus said, "the kingdom of
heaven is like unto leaven," or yeast. We are to lift the world and help
all to rise above the wickedness that surrounds us...
The Lord does not need a society
that hides and isolates itself from the world. Rather, it needs stalwart
individuals and families who live exemplary lives in the world
and demonstrate that joy and fulfillment come not of the world but through the
spirit and doctrine of Jesus Christ.5”
The Lord knew that’s
NOT what we needed to do. Stay in Idaho isolated from the world. We need to be
a light wherever we live and sometimes the Lord puts us in places so that we
can be that light. It has also made me very humble in realizing I need to be
better at sharing the Gospel since it’s so easy when everyone around you is of
the same faith.
Then one Fast Sunday I fasted for the sole purpose
of having all my questions answered about the Air Force. I had a lot on my mind
and wanted someone who was in that specific branch and active duty to answer my
questions since things have changed over the years. During fast and testimony
meeting I look over and a sister gets up from the very back to share her
testimony. The first thing she says is, “I’m visiting and me and my husband have
been in the Air Force for 19 years.” I couldn’t believe my ears! The Lord sent
me someone to talk to me about the Air Force. It was one of the fastest prayers of
fasting that has EVER been answered in my so far life. I tracked her down after
and was able to ask any questions and concern I had. She was so nice and
answered every question and told me that the Air Force was worth it. I asked
who she was visiting as well. She told me that her daughter and her came up for
a visit and picked the first meeting house that listed on the LDS Tools App. Coincidence…I
think NOT! It was a blessing to prayer.
With that he sent me friends who
recently joined. It’s like a was trying to find a way that it wouldn’t work out
or something else would in the meantime so I wouldn’t have to spread my wings
but stay in my isolated Idaho State.
The Process began. We were applying
as an officer in the Air Force. During the process my husband had appendicitis and had to have surgery and only after to find out that the Air Force put a hold on officers until 2020. Nothing was going right. We ended up joining as enlisted. My husband did so good on his
placement test: 97% that he could do any job as long as it was available. Along
the same time we both got a strong feeling that their was another little spirit
that needed to be added to our family. 7 months later we were in and my husband
was headed to Basic Training. It was so stressful for our family and I started
to have panic attacks and anxiety. I prayed to the Lord for help. I told him
that he has guided us this far and that I needed help. He gave me family coming
for Christmas to help since my brother was getting married. He gave me strength
when I had to deliver our baby by myself and a wonderful Mother and
Mother-in-law to help. He sent me the right nurse whose son was in the Army and
got me connected with my Husband at Basic Training so I could tell him I had
our little baby girl since American Red Cross would not.
Then the time came for choosing our
“Wish List” for where we would like to be stationed. We put everything out west
(Texas, Idaho, Arizona…you name it!). I did NOT want to move down south. After
we got our Soft Orders (Meaning it could change but not likely) to FLORIDA! I
laughed….a LOT!!!! This whole process has been so humbling to me. I have learned
that life is not what you expect, it never goes as planned. Funny though, I never
prayed to get stationed out west, I only prayed the Lord would send us to a
place that would be good for our family…and It will be! I’m SO excited for Florida
now. The Lord has opened my eyes…Yeah, it took about a year because at one
point a long time ago I was itching to get out of Idaho and adventure the
world. Then that changed only to realize now that I really didn’t change and
the Air Force is away to fulfill those dreams I once had. Because honestly, I
probably wouldn’t have gone on any adventure because I hate traveling. Now, we
are stationed at a place only 6hrs. from Disney World (I’ve never been to ANY Disney
Park so you can count that I’m already planning THAT Trip.) We are somewhere
warm and right next to the Gulf of Mexico with White Sandy Beaches. I’m pretty
much going to live in a vacation area!
Not just that though. The Air Force will provide security, wonderful benefits for our family and a life where we can enjoy. My husband is loving tech school and learning how to do his job. Which he said he is going to enjoy.
Even if I had those things I’ve
learned that I could still be unhappy. It’s MY ultimate choice to be optimistic
at whatever life throws you and the Lord had to show me that. He had to show me
that what I thought was my ideal dream of living in Idaho the rest of my life
wouldn’t actually give me lasting happiness. It was my family, my husband, our
marriage and children. He gave me the opportunity to rely on him. He gave me
the opportunity to have my husband taken away at the hardest time of our life.
I was pregnant and then delivered without him having three little kids at home.
I have never relied on my Savior more. I have never been more appreciative of
my husband more. He gave me the opportunity to pray for reassurance and he
answered EVERY SINGLE PRAYER. I would have never had those experiences if life
went exactly how I wanted it too. I have realized life is NOT about me. It’s about
people around and what is best for US as a family. I’m still learning and am so
grateful for my Heavenly Father, my Savior and especially my husband who has been
with me through thick and thin.
So when life doesn't seem to go as planned and everything isn't working out how you thought. Remember: the Lord is setting up something great for you. He desires to bless you and knows you better than yourself. He raised you spiritually before you came to earth and is helping you physically while you are here. He's not going to just leave you. He's going to provide the best opportunities that sometimes we can't see right away. He is also going to give you opportunities to improve yourself so that you can become like him. Life is too short to be angry that things didn't go your way. Yes, life has many disappointments and struggles and it's okay to work through those. But through those struggles realize the Lord is right by your side from beginning to end.