
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ain't no Ad about it! Funny Story

Funny Story:

   So I was trying to get into Blogging and hopefully make a few extra bucks out of it too with displaying ads. "Why not turn a hobby into a paycheck!" Right???  Then I can save for my Husbands Masters Program and eventually Doctorate since he wants to be a Professor. Well, it turns out it was more complicated than that. I actually had to pay money to create my own website with a monthly fee.

Now, Here's the FUNNY PART:

So, my husband comes home and I say, "Honey, I have this detriment!! I can't make money unless I pay money! I just want a monthly income" (sigh, sad face)

He responds: "You do!"
Me: No I don't!
Him: Yeah, you WHOLE paycheck!!! (We both start laughing)

Bahahahaha.....poor kid! (We're still laughing!) But keep reading...

Just to Clarify: I do NOT spend all his (our) money. We budget together and I make sure we have enough in savings and mostly/if not all is spent on things we need; like diapers, clothes, etc. I'm usually the one spending the money since he has school and work and so I do the shopping for what we need. He is the most selfless man and I'm grateful for him in my life. He is such a hard worker and takes care of our family. I have seen the blessings of tithing and being faithful to that promise in our lives more than I can imagine. The Lord is truly good to us and I'm so blessed.

From my house to your,


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