
Sunday, May 29, 2016

More than a Visit

I've been thinking a lot lately about how often we "miss the point of Visiting Teaching." It is not just an at home visit where we talk and share a gospel message. It is to create a trust and friendship through service in which we can help those sisters we were assigned to draw closer to Christ. 

 I've had many experiences within the last year that has shown me the importance of "true" Visiting teaching. I'm grateful for the wonderful visiting teachers in my life who are such a great example to me. 
 My first experience started when I was first married. I had to work Sunday's all the time but my visiting teachers never missed a month to visit me and worked around my schedule. Little did they know the effect they had on me. They were my connection to the church, ward, and become my close friends. It was a connection I needed. This is where is really hit me how important visiting teaching was.

  Now, all I needed was a visit at that time and that's really all I need now. I enjoy talking to adults and it is a break for me from the everyday tasks and maybe that's all your sister needs but sometimes it's something more.

  If you look at the comic I drew it is a sister who just got done being taught and her teachers ask if she needs anything. Her response is a normal response "No, I'm doing great, but thanks!" They end up leaving and are happy she is doing good but look around her... Her dishes need done, juice is spilled on the floor, kids are crying, dinner is burning, and a look of distress is on her face. OF COURSE SHE NEEDS HELP! Are we so caught up in our checklist of visiting teaching that we are really not serving those that need it.
 Instead of asking and accepting the answer, just do. We need to hear with our eyes and NOT our ears. We can see when someone is in need.

   Most of the time sisters will say "they are doing fine," and most of the time they are; but if we really are observing and getting to know these girls we teach, then we will know that those "doing fine" days are days when she may really need a pick me up.

We never may know fully what are sisters are going through. Sometimes they just need a friend, someone to talk to, someone to say it's going to be okay, a hug, a note, a meal, company, someone to teach them how to do something (cooking, sewing, etc.), a smile. 

I also want to talk about the 100%. It's not the number but what the number means: It's means that every single girl in your ward has been checked up on, that every single girl has a friend, someone to talk to, someone to rely on. When we don't get that number it means that someone is missing out on that friendship, love, fellowship as sisters in Christ. Someone that may really need it. It's our way to create a bond with those in our ward to uplift each other and when that 100% isn't reached that means that someone is left behind. The RS Pres. can not do it all and that's why your sisters are so important.

Now I understand that life gets busy, but you are never to busy to serve. Service doesn't have to be big. Remember: It's the little things that count and make a big difference in people's lives. Service is just helping a friend in need. 

"People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world."-unkown

So Here's some tips:

1. First Observe, then Serve. 
2. Be a friend/Don't judge
3. Don't wait to be asked to serve.
4.  Cookies, meals, and genuine notes 
5. Invite to activities
6. listen, listen, LISTEN!

I'm trying to be better at visiting teaching and I hope you can to!

From my house to yours.


  1. I love this. my house almost always looks like the one in your comic. Lately I've been the distracted cook, the laundry is never near done, and the kids always seem to have something to disagree over. Lucky for me, I have a great visiting teacher. Despite her own large family she does an amazing job helping me spiritually and physically with mine! I am truly blessed!

  2. This is so true Amy, be a friend is the most important thing.
