
Friday, December 16, 2016

EASY DIY: Stockings!

We had a girls sewing night last night and while I was finishing my Christmas Present for my Mother-in-law my friends where making these ADORABLE stockings! I had to go home and try since they were the cutest things I have ever seen.

    They were easy to make and I used scraps I had. Now, Mine are all different because I used scraps but if you want ALL of yours identical: I have a TRICK for you to make it go by super fast and EASY...So read EVERY step before starting.

Step 1
Take an old stocking and trace it onto poster board leaving about a 1/2in. between the stocking and outline.

Step 2:
Take Your scrap material and make sure the WHOLE matterial fits the stocking pattern. This will ensure that the strips you cut will fit the stocking without tons of moving around.

Step 3:
FIRST: If you want them ALL Identical...DO NOT cut just yet. You went and bought material but instead of cutting them for each individual stocking just cut long 4in. strips and sew them you are making a big stripe blanket. Then you take the  stocking pattern place it on the sewn material and cut around it and move over a little bit and cut another one. It saves SOO much time and effort. (I hope that makes sense. I drew picture to try and explain.

BUT if you just have scraps:  THEN, Cut into 4 in. Strips. Do STEPS 1-3 with all your scraps.

Step 4. IRON. Seriously....Iron those strips of material! It will make it look super nice and ENSURE that the pieces fit together. It also makes sewing them together easier

Step 5: Make your Patterns (For ALL of the stockings). Each stocking will have 5 strips of material.  The reason you do all of them is so that you know what material is being used for which and what you have left over. This is so that you can use all scraps and it's easier to rearrange ahead of time instead of sewing and making them as you go and realizing you don't have enough of one color.

Step 6:
Cut out 2 white stockings for each ONE patterned stocking. This will be your lining/back of the stocking
Now for the sewing! Once you have all your patterns arranged it's time to sew them together. Now...Here's a TRICK: Make sure when you sew that one side has ALL the stripes lined up; as shown in the picture. (This makes it so that even if they are different lengths on the other will still fit your stocking pattern)

Step 8:
Cut out your stocking

Step 9:
Place the white cut out stocking in front and one in back. Line them up as close as you can. 

Step 10:
Sew around the edges...DO NOT sew the top of the stocking where the opening is going to be.

Step 11:
Flip it inside out. Now here's the tricky part. The front of the stocking is going to have a lining too. So grab the front and the lining in one hand and the other white stocking in the other and flip it. If you see the seams from the patterns...DON'T worry...Just try again, but grab the OTHER white stocking with the patterned stocking and should look like this:

Step 12:
The top may not be even so cut it until all the material is lined up with one shouldn't be a lot of material. 

Step 13:
Fold the top in and pin... Don't forget the pattern also has a white don't pin the two white stockings together. 

Step 14:
Cut a 6in. piece of ribbon and pin it to the stocking

Step 15:
Sew the top all the way around; take out those pins...and You are DONE!

Merry Christmas, from my house to yours!



Friday, December 9, 2016

Christmas on Sunday bumming you out? Keeping Perspective

 Image result for jesus christ nativity   

       I’m not going to lie. When I realized Christmas was on a Sunday I was a little put out. I was looking forward to spending the whole day in my Pajamas (no make-up), chilling, going nowhere, and watching Finding Dory with my little ones; especially my two-year-old who LOVES Finding Nemo. Due to our Strict Sunday Observance, even as a family, chilling and staying in our pajamas and watching Finding Dory was sort of thrown out the window. Instead we would be getting dressed and heading to church and following our "Sunday to Do List" to keep in perspective. Then I was humbled...very humbled.

        My Five minutes of being bummed with Christmas on Sunday drew me to have a heart-felt prayer. I knew Satan didn’t want me to enjoy Christmas and all those “natural man” things I wanted to do really weren’t important AT ALL!  After all, the reason we go to church and celebrate Christmas is the same reason: Jesus Christ.

I started to think of ways that I could make this Christmas the best and I’m now SUPER excited and I wanted to share just in case anyone was feeling the same way. I also came up with some NEW Family Traditions I’m excited to start.

 1.  My mom Started a tradition when we were kids that Santa would come from somewhere around the world and leave gifts, food, and a story of how they celebrate Christmas from that particular place. I have continued that tradition with my family and this year Santa will be coming from Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. I will include foods that Jesus ate as a kid and other fun facts and anything I can come up with.

       2. Do “Light the World” that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints put out. It’s 25 days of Christ-like things we can do to make the world a better place. I’ve been doing them, somedays are better than others, but I can really see a difference in my home and perspective.

      3.  Instead of watching movies on Christmas, we will open Finding Dory Christmas Eve and eat “Sticky Popcorn,” Gerret’s favorite treat, and watch the movie together as a family in our New Pajamas. Then after that, read the Christmas Story and off to bed!

       4. Sunday Morning after presents and all the excitement I will read and explain to my children the reason we are going to church and the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

       5.  After church, I’ll prepare dinner while the kids are taking a nap and later…We’ll play some fun games as a family that we got the kids.

I still get to do all the fun things I want, PLUS I get to have the spirit in my home as we do things as a family; based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I feel really blessed that I get to celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ and THEN I get to go to Church and partake of the Sacrament, which represents WHY he was born. I get his whole life purpose in ONE DAY!!! That’s what Christmas is really all about; Jesus Christ. I’m glad it’s on a Sunday this year and I hope you are too!

From my house to yours,

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Restoring Faith in Motherhood

     As a mother of two and almost three I often think how it would be so nice to have my "Body" back. I'm pretty sure we have all been through this. I was recently looking at my wedding pictures and pictures before I was married and I’m not going to lie; I looked pretty good! I Immediately thought: Man, my body is not the same; I have saggy skin in places that used to be tight due to a large amount of stretching in a short 9 months and no matter how many sit-ups I do it won’t be the same. With having two kids under two and a third on the way I have more stretch marks that I thought were possible. But right after I thought that I looked over and my two year old is asleep next to me with Finding Nemo playing on the T.V. (Her new favorite show at the moment) and it dawned on me;  “Would I replace my “used to be body” for this?” No, no I wouldn’t. That means I would be replacing “mama’s, smiles, first words, first steps, “YAY” when clapping,  endless watching of Barbie, Sophia, and Finding Nemo, park and water play time, opportunities to learn, opportunities to teach and so much more. 
   While days aren’t perfect and my toddler having to tolerate me ;) What better way to spend my time, money and life than watching my beautiful children grow…and here’s why:
   A few months ago I had a real confirmation to me why motherhood was so important. I had some overwhelming days as anyone does and that’s when doubts about motherhood sometimes start to sink in.  I was tiding up my house when the kids were sleeping when my Heavenly Father confirmed to me I was doing a great work.  I was walking to my bedroom when I thought, “How does Heavenly Father do it, he has millions of children and I’m trying to raise two!!! Yet it’s his greatest work and his glory…GLORY! That means he likes it!  Is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man and he has millions of people to worry about.” Then it dawned on me. “if his greatest work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man then that means I am a key part in that work. I, as a mother help bring his children into this world, to raise and teach them in this gospel so that they can receive eternal life.” Then it hit me again “Uh, OH….I better be a better mom!!!” Then a soft feeling came over me that I was doing a good job,  that I am helping raise two children in the gospel to the best of my capabilities and I know that when days are rough the Lord is right there beside me. I came to the conclusion:   
 “Why would I change my body that has housed little precious spirits to come into this world to gain eternal life. I’m involved hand in hand in God’s greatest work and something that not only makes him happy, but me as well!
  While I’m still trying to be healthier, eat right and exercise I know my body won’t be the same and I’m okay with that and you should be too! So, don't count the jean size: Count the smiles...because one day they'll be grown up and gone.

From my house to yours,


Sunday, May 29, 2016

More than a Visit

I've been thinking a lot lately about how often we "miss the point of Visiting Teaching." It is not just an at home visit where we talk and share a gospel message. It is to create a trust and friendship through service in which we can help those sisters we were assigned to draw closer to Christ. 

 I've had many experiences within the last year that has shown me the importance of "true" Visiting teaching. I'm grateful for the wonderful visiting teachers in my life who are such a great example to me. 
 My first experience started when I was first married. I had to work Sunday's all the time but my visiting teachers never missed a month to visit me and worked around my schedule. Little did they know the effect they had on me. They were my connection to the church, ward, and become my close friends. It was a connection I needed. This is where is really hit me how important visiting teaching was.

  Now, all I needed was a visit at that time and that's really all I need now. I enjoy talking to adults and it is a break for me from the everyday tasks and maybe that's all your sister needs but sometimes it's something more.

  If you look at the comic I drew it is a sister who just got done being taught and her teachers ask if she needs anything. Her response is a normal response "No, I'm doing great, but thanks!" They end up leaving and are happy she is doing good but look around her... Her dishes need done, juice is spilled on the floor, kids are crying, dinner is burning, and a look of distress is on her face. OF COURSE SHE NEEDS HELP! Are we so caught up in our checklist of visiting teaching that we are really not serving those that need it.
 Instead of asking and accepting the answer, just do. We need to hear with our eyes and NOT our ears. We can see when someone is in need.

   Most of the time sisters will say "they are doing fine," and most of the time they are; but if we really are observing and getting to know these girls we teach, then we will know that those "doing fine" days are days when she may really need a pick me up.

We never may know fully what are sisters are going through. Sometimes they just need a friend, someone to talk to, someone to say it's going to be okay, a hug, a note, a meal, company, someone to teach them how to do something (cooking, sewing, etc.), a smile. 

I also want to talk about the 100%. It's not the number but what the number means: It's means that every single girl in your ward has been checked up on, that every single girl has a friend, someone to talk to, someone to rely on. When we don't get that number it means that someone is missing out on that friendship, love, fellowship as sisters in Christ. Someone that may really need it. It's our way to create a bond with those in our ward to uplift each other and when that 100% isn't reached that means that someone is left behind. The RS Pres. can not do it all and that's why your sisters are so important.

Now I understand that life gets busy, but you are never to busy to serve. Service doesn't have to be big. Remember: It's the little things that count and make a big difference in people's lives. Service is just helping a friend in need. 

"People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world."-unkown

So Here's some tips:

1. First Observe, then Serve. 
2. Be a friend/Don't judge
3. Don't wait to be asked to serve.
4.  Cookies, meals, and genuine notes 
5. Invite to activities
6. listen, listen, LISTEN!

I'm trying to be better at visiting teaching and I hope you can to!

From my house to yours.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Easy Crock Pot Lasagna

This crock pot lasagna is a favorite at my house and it's a little bit healthier than normal lasagna. I use ground turkey which gives it a texture and flavor that is just to die for! (I tried using beef once and it didn't turn out as good)

Follow the directions exactly...Even the part where you are boiling the meat. Seriously! boil it up!! You'll thank me.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ain't no Ad about it! Funny Story

Funny Story:

   So I was trying to get into Blogging and hopefully make a few extra bucks out of it too with displaying ads. "Why not turn a hobby into a paycheck!" Right???  Then I can save for my Husbands Masters Program and eventually Doctorate since he wants to be a Professor. Well, it turns out it was more complicated than that. I actually had to pay money to create my own website with a monthly fee.

Now, Here's the FUNNY PART:

So, my husband comes home and I say, "Honey, I have this detriment!! I can't make money unless I pay money! I just want a monthly income" (sigh, sad face)

He responds: "You do!"
Me: No I don't!
Him: Yeah, you WHOLE paycheck!!! (We both start laughing)

Bahahahaha.....poor kid! (We're still laughing!) But keep reading...

Just to Clarify: I do NOT spend all his (our) money. We budget together and I make sure we have enough in savings and mostly/if not all is spent on things we need; like diapers, clothes, etc. I'm usually the one spending the money since he has school and work and so I do the shopping for what we need. He is the most selfless man and I'm grateful for him in my life. He is such a hard worker and takes care of our family. I have seen the blessings of tithing and being faithful to that promise in our lives more than I can imagine. The Lord is truly good to us and I'm so blessed.

From my house to your,


The Best Homemade Costa Vida Salad

I just made the BEST homemade Costa Vida. I seriously crave this stuff and I bet you do to! So I decided to share my recipes I used to make the Salad so our wallets will thank us....after all; the Holiday's are coming up and any extra change just makes people happy!

Note: Read and follow the directions precisely (I didn't use measurements on some so I'll just explain what I did)

Dressing (Cilantro and Lime)

In a Blender add:
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1-2 package of Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch dressing mix (depending on how much flavor you like)
  • 1 Jalapeno's (Take out the seeds)
  • 1 bunch of fresh cilantro
  • 1 tsp. crushed garlic
  • 1/2 to 1 cup salsa verde
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • a pinch of Salt
BLEND that baby up and enjoy! ( I seriously could drink this stuff)

RICE (Cilantro/Lime Rice)

  • 2 cups dry rice
  • 1 can chicken broth
  • 2-3 cups water
  • 1/2 cup chopped up cilantro
  • 4 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 tsp. Lawry's Garlic Salt
Directions: In a frying pan add rice and a little bit of oil. and sear the rice. This will add texture and flavor. STIR CONSTANTLY and watch closely so the rice doesn't burn. It is done when it turns an opal white color. (My mom taught me this trick) NEXT: put rice in a rice cooker along with the rest of the ingredients: Stir in and cook. (Don't worry about the cilantro going to the top) when it is done cooking mix everything again and ENJOY!

Chicken and Steak
  • Chicken or Steak
  • Cumin
  • Chilli powder 
  • Lawry's Garlic Salt
Directions: slice chicken or steak into thin slices and shake each spice over the meat and rub in. (I didn't measure so you'll just have to eyeball it)
NEXT: spray cookie sheet and place meat on top and Broil it in the oven until done. This not only enhances the flavor but gives it that nice grilled texture. 

-Broil for about 10-15 min....keep an eye on it since all ovens are different.

Now Time to make that Salad: (My mouth is Watering)

Layers go as follows: Tortilla, rice, black beans (out of a can that have been heated up), meat, shredded cheese, chopped romaine lettuce, chopped tomatoes, Tortilla chip strips, and dressing

NOTE: The Tortilla Strip chips seriously make this salad as do all the ingredients and can be found by the croutons at your local grocery store.

Spinach Dip

Here's my delicious Recipe for Spinach Dip! It's great for any Holiday, Party or a Get Together.

Spinach Dip

-One 16oz package of chopped spinach (frozen)
-1 1/2 cups of Mayonnaise
-16oz tub of Sour cream
-2 packages of Knorr Vegetable mix
-1 teaspoon garlic salt (Lawry's Garlic Salt)
-1 teaspoon Mrs. Dash (Garlic and Herb)
-2 loaves French Bread

Directions: Empty package of frozen spinach into a strainer and pour cold water over it until it is thawed. Let all the water drain out and set aside. In a bowl combine mayo, sour cream, vegetable mix, garlic salt and Mrs. Dash and mix well. Then add in spinach. Stir until everything is evenly mixed in. Put in Refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.

Serve COLD with slices of French bread

Weight Loss and Eating Out: Staying with Your Diet


My husbands birthday is coming up and it's a tradition in our house that the birthday person gets to pick were they want to eat out for the day. Since I'm on my "Life change diet" I asked were he wanted to go and went from there. The choice of Restaurant being: Red Robin...Yuuuuuuum!

Here's what I'm doing to stay in my "Life change diet" Plan while eating out.


1. Check out the Restaurants home page and look at their Menu section. Sometimes they have a section for Healthier choices that give you calories, carbs, protein and everything that is in it.

2. Make your menu at Home before you go eat. This gives you a plan and you have already looked over your choices and swaps that you might want to do so when it's time to order you are ready.

3. Write it down. Write exactly your order and then take it with you. This way when you get to the restaurant you know what you are getting and not scrambling your brain to remember. It will also help you not to make the "not so good, when it doesn't look that bad" choices. It keeps you accountable!

Good Luck and enjoy eating out!

From my house to yours,


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Home: Creating a Sanctuary from the World

 Doesn't that word bring back so many memories? Hopefully good ones. For me, it's always been a sanctuary, a place where my family is, laughter, moments, and so much more. Maybe some of you grew up in a place that wasn't so, but that doesn't mean you can't create a place of your own.

  I've been thinking a lot about my own home and how am I making it a sanctuary from the world. Not only for my family, but anyone who enters in. Have you ever been to a place that you just feel so comfortable and at peace. A place where the spirit dwells. You may have hardships and trials... A friend once told me "We all have to go through our own Gethsemane." Hopefully we are making our Homes a place where those trials are supported with love, encouragement, gospel discussion, prayer and scripture study and NOT criticism or belittlement.  

  So how do we create a place where peace, love, and the spirit are felt. First, it starts with you!!! Yes, you! It's called the domino affect. Sometimes we are always waiting on others to start the peace when in fact it should be us. Don't be the one who brings contention but helps bring the spirit.

   Second, are we doing the ESSENTIAL gospel practices in our home individually and as a family. These include; daily prayer, scripture study, family discussion, FHE, keeping the Sabbath day Holy and Paying our tithing

Prayer: I can tell at the end of the day how my days go by the moment my knees hit the ground when I wake up OR if they don't hit the ground in prayer. It brings a spirit into the home because I am prepared and my family is prepared because we talked to our Heavenly Father asking for safety, peace, energy and patience to get through the day. Believe works! I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old and I need all the helping hands of Angels I can get...and I know they are there in my moments when calm and assurance comes and I know it wasn't from me.
- Also, pray as a couple. This not only brings you closer to God together but closer as a couple. It also helps us to forgive one another. There is power in prayer. You may start mad, but the longer you pray as a couple the more the spirit can work to soften your hearts and hopefully by Amen, it will end with a kiss of  "I'm sorry."
-It guides you in the direction you as a family need to go. When you pray as a family you are praying with those whose decision it affects as well.

Daily Scripture Study: (Individually and as a family): "The Iron Rod is the WORD OF GOD, that will safely guide a through"   Aka: Scriptures will safely guide us where we are to where we need to be as a family and individually. So, the more you read the more the guidance will come.....SO read on my friends, read on! Because we need ALL the help we can get!

Family Discussion/FHE: This helps create unity in the home as we learn together about one another, doctrine, plans, goals, and dreams as a family.
-Use this time to plan family outings and times that are spent together playing games, making food and just enjoying one anothers company.

Sabbath Day Observance: this is probably one of the MOST important ones. If we can't give one day to the Lord, then how can we expect to give the rest of the week and eventually our lives to him. Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy sets a tone for the rest of the week on have the spirit in our home. How you treat this day will ultimately affect the rest of the days that follow. So, put the sports away, the worldly music, the activities that can wait until tomorrow. Show yourself and your children that because the Lord is important to you that it should be important to them by keeping his Holy day, holy.

Paying your tithing. Your probably thinking how this has any affect on the Spirit of your home. When you pay a full tithe the Blessings of Heaven are poured upon you so much that there is not enough room to receive it...and those blessings go to you and your family which is, well, YOUR HOME! I have such a testimony of tithing. I look around my home and the Lord has blessed me with things to make my house a home for my family. Yes, some may be material matters, some may be the patience with children, some blessings come in forms of ideas, love, laughter, time, priorities, humbling moments and so much more. If you give some to the Lord (All he ask is 10%) Then he'll give you all you need and things you didn't even think you needed!!! He'll help you create a Loving Home...after all you are his child and he wants you to be happy.

Media. This can either make or break a home...and you are the ultimate decision to make that happen because YOU are the one that allows or brings it in. You can turn off the T.V, change a station, buy or NOT buy the movie. It is all up to you on whether you bring the spirit into your home or not.
   -When I first got married me and my husband decided on what kind of media was or was not allowed in our house. We decided that if our children cannot watch it then we don't need to either. What we see and listen to affects the spirit in our home...even if the earphones are in and it's only on the tiny phone screen...the spirit cannot dwell where violence, graphic images, language, innuendos, immorality and pornography are happening. This also is the same with music.

Forgiveness: No one is perfect. Sometimes it is hard to forgive those who have wronged you especially those who are living in the same house. But give it to the Lord and use the atonement to it's fullest. This will allow the spirit into your life and into your home. A weight will be lifted off your shoulders and you will be happy.

Service: Serve those who are in your home. When you serve those you love the most you start to see them differently. You start to love them more and see them as God see's them. Service is the Charity: which is the PURE love of Christ. Wow, having the Pure Love of Christ in your home is something I hope we are all striving for. It allows us to forgive easier and to look over imperfections that we all have.

    I hope we can all create an atmosphere in our home where people are loved; especially those who live there. Where the spirit can dwell and we are happy. May our homes always be filled with love and laughter and if they are not....let us make it that way.

From my house to yours
-Amy Horikami